Tuesday, May 31, 2011

swim lessons

Hopefully Carolines last pregnant picture!

Thomas does a mean pirate eye.

It was a balmy 96 deg. today, he was chilly.

As Thomas likes to say, "you're my best buddy". Right back at ya kid.


Matt said...
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Ditto Family said...

That is one huge swim lesson class. Tommy is sure a cute pirate.

Jessica said...

Wow...what is it with the 3.5 year olds?? All of a sudden they look so old. What happened to our little toddlers?

I'm loving the shiver in 98 degrees...hilarious!

emily a. said...

That last picture is one of my favorites so far. Tommy seems like such a character, I wish we lived closer. I'm in love with his pirate look and he's cold? What a funny kid.

How did he like swimming lessons?