Wednesday, August 3, 2011

2 months

Miss Cali is two months on Saturday
(yes, I am playing with the spelling of her nickname - what do you think?)

She is a serious trooper! Such an easy baby so far.

I have been hearing that she looks like me...but I heard that about Thomas when he was a new one too...I think it is because they have rounder cheeks and squintier eyes at this stage and I never shed either of those features :) So, she will probably ultimately look like Seth :)

A few things about her:

She has been on two flights to Oregon and back.

She sleeps through the night 10PM-5AM and has been doing that for about three weeks.

She has a little "shadow coo", meaning that she makes these extreme faces as if she is about to shout and then lets out the weakest little mouse squeak. All while raising her eyebrows and flaring her nostrils - it is adorable.

Face time and talking to people seem to be her favorite things to do.

She will not take a pacifier and projectile vomits if I attempt to insert one.

She is probably eleven pounds or so.

She has a hemangioma also known as a strawberry. She wasn't born with it and I originally thought Thomas had poked her head when she started getting a read spot, turns out he was innocent.

We are all totally in love with this little babe, love her rolls, her attempts at cooing and her cuddles.


Marci said...

She is such a cutie and seriously the best baby ever. Not to mention of course, extremely gifted...she talks more than any 2 month old I've met :-)! I'm glad I got to meet her and I hope I get to come visit in Africa!

Leah said...

Soooo cute. I feel like she's a different baby already. That makes me sad. So glad to hear Seth arrived safe and sound.

Ditto Family said...

I don't care who she looks like -- she is dang cute!!! She looks so much older and more interactive then she did just a few weeks ago. Slow down Callie!!!! How interesting about her hemangioma -- our bodies are amazing!

Lastly -- THREE CHEERS for a blog update. I love it!!!

Matt said...

Holy cow...she is changing so much. What a cutie!

emily a. said...

Give me a break, she's so stinkin' cute. She does look like you Caroline and I think she'll stay that way. From what I hear Sage is just now starting to look like me so I know where you are coming from.

I can't believe how strong she is. She looks like a baby now and not a newborn like when we saw you guys.

Anonymous said...

she is adorable. seriously... i want to munch her face!