Wednesday, September 28, 2011

the third child

We got a puppy…his name is Fry, short for Friar Tuck. Thomas named him. He is about two weeks older than Cali. He follows me everywhere. We got him from the Lusaka Animal Welfare Society ran by a beautiful woman named Claudia. We are very excited for this addition. Pictures of him will come…maybe.


Matt said...

This is awesome and I think a great idea. Tommy will love having a little buddy.

emily a. said...

What a cute pupppy! I'm anxious to hear how it is for you especially Caroline, having a baby and a puppy. We got pretty serious about it a while back but then I realized I wasn't ready for 2 babies at the same time.

I bet Tommy is in heaven. Love the name.

Leah said...

Oh my gosh. So cute!