Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Experiment/ I am an old lady

Thomas walking down our driveway to the soccer field for the sprints.

I love that he ran like this for about 80 percent of the races. So hilarious!

Our next-door neighbor and Thomas’ current hero is 9 year old Christopher. He had to do a science experiment for school and settled on doing a series of four, 50 meter sprints. One sprint was to be barefoot, one in crocks, dress shoes and running shoes. Seeing as how few people around here have three pairs of shoes, let alone three pairs matching these specific categories, our family became an obvious choice for his experiment.

The first two sets of sprints went fine. Although, the second set was definitely more painful than the first, I was pretty proud of my time and that I was consistently turning out 10 second sprints. When it came to the third set I took three steps and keeled over with what I think I could describe as two Charlie Horsed Quadriceps? I don’t know if that is possible…but I have been a little invalid ever since and am now coming to terms with my age...i guess I have to warm up for reals from now on.

I have been periodically "re-injuring" my legs. This is usually accompanied by a yelp and heavy breathing until the cramping subsides. The other day I knelt down to get some toys out of T’s toy box and keeled over in pain as my leg cramped. Thomas looks at me, very concerned, comes over and reaches for my belly, “Oh, mom, do you have some toots.” "No honey, my leg hurts." “Oh, you have some toots in your leg” "No." "Yes you do, here you have to sit like this." (Puts his head to the floor, bum in the air. Obviously very proud to share the new information he recently learned having some of his own stomach pains a few days before.) "Okay, thanks Thomas." "No problem mom."


Matt said...

Wow....where does one pick up a sweatband these days?

Ditto Family said...

Old...whatever --- you are amazing!!! Those pictures of Tommy are so crisp and fun. Thanks for the reminder of how spoiled we are -- multiple pairs of shoes and all.