Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My very breast friend

(Seth likes to call this one the "I'll be over here by the bar, 'sending out the vibe'" shot.)

Cali is 9 months old now boasts one tooth and the ability to pull herself up onto things. She currently has an ear infection and is enjoying her daily doses of antibiotics. I don't know how much she weighs or how tall she is...but, she still fits in most of her 3-6month clothes when she doesn't have a cloth diaper on. I do know that she is an absolute delight all day, every day!


Matt said...

She is so cute....can't wait to meet her!

emily a. said...

Those are some of the sweetest Momma-baby pictures. Cali will love those when she's older.

She's such a doll. Absolutely beautiful.

Amy said...

You guys are SOOOOO cute!!

Leah said...

I love this post, but I must admit that it almost has me in tears that I wont see this little one till she's three! Doesn't seem fair. Keep up the posts so I don't miss too much.

Ditto Family said...

Your BREAST friend is so darn cute!!! Please post a video of her.